
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Life Journal: Every Good & Perfect Gift

James 1:17

We acknowledge that God, as our loving Father, gave us & continually giving us good & perfect gifts.  Everything He does are for our good.  His thoughts for us are precious and we cannot count them all!  Our family, our work/ business, our country are examples of God's gifts to us.  But do we honestly believe that everything the Lord gave are GOOD and PERFECT even if we see some flaws in them? 

Why, not? 

My Husband is my gift, therefore he is good & perfect
My Children are my gifts, therefore they are good & perfect
My Parents are my gifts, therefore they are good & perfect
My Siblings are my gifts, therefore that are good & perfect

My work/ business is my gift, therefore it is good & perfect
My boss & workmates/ employees are my gifts, therefore they are good & pefect
My clients are my gifts, therefore they are good & perfect

My school, my church, my government are my gifts, therefore they good & perfect

Bongga! Never doubt that our gifts are good & perfect since the Giver, himself, is certain of it from the start.  When  we start to see our gifts as the God sees them, I believe amazing things will happen.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17 (NIV)

Happy weekend!  


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  1. I agree. Our God from the heavens above, who is good all the time, will always give something good and perfect. In our point of view, sometimes we think that something is not good but if we can only see it from His point of view, then maybe we will think differently. God bless.

  2. @Chin chin - yup. Once we renew our minds, we start to see God's will which are good, acceptable & perfect! God bless you too :D

  3. this is very informative thank you for sharing


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