
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Inside My Survival Kit

My Survival Kit Essentials

I've been a busy bee this past week.  Not only did my day job and recently activated blogger's life required me to go all around the metro (literally), I also attended a string of family gatherings for my Ina's week-long life celebration.

To keep me worry free while I'm on-the-go, I made sure I packed these essentials for my survival kit alongside my makeup bag.  

Wet Ones & Tissue - do I need to explain?

Travel-size contact lens solution
Keeps my lenses moist in spite of its extended use! (18hrs +/-)

Breath Strips for instant fresh breath!
Easy to bring & use plus the flavor keeps me awake on prolonged meetings ;-)

Toilet Seat Sanitizer
This is where my OC'ness comes in.  After a series of "ungraceful" experiences even in a 5-star hotel's toilet, I gave in & packed this spray for "peaceful moments"!

M&M Peanuts
Last but not the least, my energy booster, all-time travel companion & stress-reliever which I'm sure all of you can relate! :)


  1. HAhaha Holy Seat! That made my day :D

  2. I always bring a survival kit with me in my bag, that is why it's always so heavy :-) I like to bring stuff with me to feel secure ! I think your blog is very nice, I would like to invite you to my blog, check it out and if you like it we might follow each other ! Kisses

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