Sunday, July 22, 2012

Life Journal: He Knows My Name

"I am not forgotten, God knows my name"

This line from Israel Houghton's I Am Not Forgotten song really spoke to me this week.  As Psalms 139 says, God is mindful about everything and anything in our lives. He has known us from the start, and have destined awesome things for us.  And even if we are in our darkest & messiest pit right now, He is still with us.   We are not forgotten.  He knows our name, and continually sees us as His beloved.

Have a blessed Sunday & a great week ahead! :)

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  1. I agree. God knows every detail about us, even the number of hair on our heads and He cares for us. Isn't He so good!

  2. @Chin chin: Yes! He is awesome :)

  3. We are fearfully and wonderfully made :) And even the very hairs of our head are numbered because God knows each and every one of us.


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